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European company

privacy policy


The company ESLAB, SAS with a share capital of 1000 euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Strasbourg under the unique identification number 851836684, whose registered office is at 14 boulevard de Nancy, 67000 Strasbourg, processes the data collected about you and is responsible for the processing of personal data for any data collection related to the services offered by ESLAB.

ESLAB publishes the websites and


ESLAB collects and processes data about you for the purposes listed below:

Primarily, they are used for customer relationship management needs and to allow us to better interact with our customers, optimize the user experience, or respond to our customers’ requests and possible complaints.

These processes include, in particular:

  • The ability to create an account,
  • Management of your consents and authorizations regarding the use of your personal data, particularly for sending newsletters and commercial solicitations electronically,
  • Allowing you to benefit from ESLAB’s services, order products and services, track your orders and their billing, subscribe to newsletters, etc.,
  • Recognizing your loyalty customer status, provided you have chosen to indicate this to ESLAB, and if this information is requested from you. It is here recalled that the use of your personal data by the ESLAB loyalty program is subject to specific terms of use for the loyalty program,
  • Collecting your comments and reviews;
  • Managing communications and tracking our exchanges, especially in the context of potential disputes (notably via customer service accessible by phone, instant messaging such as chat; these exchanges can be recorded to improve service),
  • Managing your requests related to exercising your rights, particularly access, rectification, and opposition, which you have under personal data regulations;
  • Managing the risk of fraudulent use of your data or the services you have access to via ESLAB; depending on the results of the checks carried out, ESLAB may take any measures it deems necessary for the security of your data and our information systems used for ESLAB’s purposes, as well as for defending its interests. These measures may lead to suspending your access to ESLAB and your online account if necessary,
  • Managing product recalls initiated by suppliers or sending various related information or documents;
  • Conducting analyses or statistics to respond to surveys or requests conducted by public interest organizations, administrations, or administrative or judicial authorities (e.g., in case of food risk),
  • Tracing and managing the evidence that ESLAB must provide under its legal or regulatory obligations or for litigation management needs (e.g., necessary evidence concerning the exercise of your rights, evidence related to your orders),
  • Managing potential litigation, notably related to the recovery of sums you may owe us, and managing payment incidents,
  • Complying with our legal or regulatory obligations applicable to ESLAB’s activity (e.g., responding to requests from the tax administration).

Your data may also be used to carry out operations related to commercial prospecting or studies to improve customer knowledge and the services that ESLAB can offer its customers. Your data may be used, respecting any required authorizations you may have consented to:

  • To send you promotional messages or advertisements, personalized or not, by mail or electronically, including mobile notifications, according to your profile,
  • To analyze your use of services (including your online browsing and reactions to emails), so that we can better understand you, appreciate the interest in the Services offered and the messages we send you, and offer you offers, content, and services tailored to your profile; these analyses will be carried out respecting the authorizations you may have consented to, especially when using cookies or other trackers.

For commercial prospecting operations related to profiling and based on the consent of the person concerned by the processing, they can withdraw their consent at any time, understanding that this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before this withdrawal.

Your data may be used for technical operations related to processing your personal data for the needs of the purposes stated herein. This includes:

  • Technical operations related to address correction;
  • Assigning a digital identifier linked to your data, so we can interact with you via different digital communication platforms (websites and mobile applications, social networks), including sending you targeted advertisements,
  • Technical, organizational, or cybersecurity operations related to anomaly detection and securing your data and our information systems from which your data is processed.


Your data may be processed for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Because it is necessary to provide ESLAB services,
  • As part of the agreement you may have made, for example, to allow us to communicate with you about our offers and products or those of third-party advertisers;
  • Respecting the interests, freedoms, and fundamental rights of people registered for ESLAB services because it is necessary to allow us or our partners to pursue our legitimate interests, such as retaining our customers, optimally managing our relationship with our customers, better understanding them, promoting our products and services to them, or fighting fraud and ensuring our defense in case of litigation.


Data processed within ESLAB comes from:

  • Your registration: data on the subscription form, such as your name, first name, date of birth, contact details,
  • The use of ESLAB services such as your purchases, whether made directly from ESLAB or via ESLAB: data to identify and authenticate you (connection logs, IP address), data related to purchases, order and purchase locations and times, your browsing path on the site, site consultation dates and times, location data,
  • Websites and mobile applications published by third parties to ESLAB: information related to browsing or advertisements sent to you;
  • Social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter; indeed, data exchanges may occur between ESLAB and social networks, for example, when you are connected to the Facebook social network on your computer and visit a page on ESLAB’s sites. Similarly, if you click on the Twitter button on an ESLAB site page, Twitter will collect that information. If you do not want such exchanges, we recommend logging out of social networks before visiting ESLAB sites.
  • Data about you may be transmitted to us by third parties, such as your postal or email address, data related to your profile, which will be integrated into our databases. These third parties have collected your data legally and obtained any required consent before any transmission to ESLAB.
  • We may have data from Open Data.

Except for data from Open Data, other data is not publicly accessible. The data may be directly collected from you or through the use of ESLAB services or from other group entities or our partners or third parties. The collected data is essential to allow ESLAB, its service providers, and/or partners to provide services offered through ESLAB, to allow us to know you better and interact with you, offer an easy relationship with the ESLAB ecosystem, or to send you, we or our partners, content tailored to your profile and interests.


To achieve the purposes described above and within the limits necessary to pursue these purposes, your data may be transmitted to all or part of the following recipients:

  • Authorized personnel of the relevant services within ESLAB (e.g., marketing, studies and analysis, consumer panels, customer service, litigation, accounting and tax affairs, or IT and information systems security services),
  • Payment providers and collection service providers for sums you may owe,
  • ESLAB’s service providers and subcontractors (e.g., IT service providers, providers in the advertising sector),
  • Advertisers or partner brands, but in this case, they do not have direct or indirect access to data about you, and only data related to your profile, without it being possible to identify you directly or indirectly, may be used for these advertisers,
  • Administrative or judicial authorities where applicable in compliance with our legal obligations or to enable us to ensure our rights and interests.


The data collected about you will be stored for the time necessary to accomplish the above purposes, plus the period of legal prescription. Thus, primarily, your account data (registration) will be stored throughout your membership. They may then be stored and processed for 3 years following your last contact, to allow us to send you commercial solicitations.

Data about you may be stored longer due to specific legal obligations or applicable legal prescription periods. For example, data may be stored for:

  • 6 years for tax documents;
  • 10 years for accounting documents;
  • The duration of litigation and until all legal remedies are exhausted.

Finally, in the event of exercising their rights by the persons concerned, data related to identification documents may be stored for the applicable legal prescription periods, for a maximum period of 3 years.


ESLAB takes into account the nature of personal data and the risks presented by processing to implement appropriate technical, physical, and organizational measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of personal data and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

ESLAB selects subcontractors or service providers who offer quality, security, reliability, and resource guarantees to ensure the implementation of technical and organizational measures, including processing security. Subcontractors and service providers agree to respect confidentiality levels at least equal to those of ESLAB.


The different categories of collected and processed data may be transmitted to service companies located in countries outside the European Union, such as in the context of IT services or data exploitation related to social networks.

To secure transfers outside the European Union, our subcontractors sign with ESLAB, for example, standard clauses defined by the European Commission to regulate flows or are subject to binding internal rules by the authorities that control personal data protection, or are located in a country with legislation offering adequate protection.


According to personal data protection regulations, you have the right to information and the right to access, rectify, and erase (unless they are necessary for the performance of our contract or we need them to comply with our legal obligations or establish or exercise our rights) data concerning you, as well as the right to define directives related to the fate of your data after your death. It is specified here that under the right of access, ESLAB may request the payment of reasonable fees based on administrative costs for any additional copy of the data provided to you.

You also have the right to obtain the restriction of processing and the right to data portability that you may have provided, which will apply in certain cases. In addition, you can request to exercise your right of opposition for reasons related to your particular situation to the processing of personal data concerning you when the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the data controller, including profiling. If such a right of opposition is exercised, ESLAB will cease processing unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for processing that override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. You can also oppose any processing related to prospecting (including profiling related to such prospecting) or withdraw your consent at any time, where it was requested (withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before the withdrawal of consent).

ESLAB wishes to inform you that failure to provide or modification of your data may affect the processing of certain requests within the framework of the execution of the services, and your requests concerning the exercise of rights will be stored for monitoring purposes.

To exercise your rights, simply write to ESLAB, 14 boulevard de Nancy, 67000 Strasbourg

  • By email: or, indicating your name, first name, email address, and, if possible, your customer reference. In accordance with current regulations, your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and specify the address to which the response should be sent. A response will be sent to you as soon as possible.

We also inform you of the existence of the telephone solicitation opposition list “Bloctel,” managed by Opposetel, which you can register for free here:

If we cannot respond to your requests satisfactorily, you can also file a complaint with a supervisory authority (in France, the CNIL 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. Tel: 01 53 73 22 22).

Data Protection Officer: You can contact for any questions regarding the processing of your personal data: ESLAB – Data Protection Officer – 14 boulevard de Nancy, 67000 Strasbourg.

Cookie Management

Using Cookies During Your Visit to the Site

To allow users of the Site to benefit from the services offered by it [such as – and if the site offers it: product purchases, consultation, subscription to the services offered, etc.], optimizing its use and personalization (notably personalization of offers and advertisements) according to the user, the Site uses Cookies. As long as the Client/User of the Site does not decide to deactivate cookies, they accept that the Site can use them. They can deactivate these cookies at any time, free of charge, from the deactivation options offered and reminded below, knowing that this may reduce or prevent access to all or part of the services offered by the Site.

Cookies – Definition and Use

When consulting the Site by the Client/User, information related to the browsing of their terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on the Site can be recorded in text files called “Cookies,” installed on their browser. Cookies will be used to recognize the Client/User’s browser during the validity period of the Cookie concerned. Only the issuer of the concerned Cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein. Some Cookies are essential for the use of the Site, others allow for optimizing the use of the Site and personalizing the displayed content. Thus, Cookies allow:

  • Measuring and analyzing the Site’s traffic and usage, its sections, and the services offered, allowing the Site to conduct studies and improve the interest and ergonomics of the Site and its services,
  • Memorizing the display preferences of the Client’s browser (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) and adapting the presentation of the Site during visits, according to the equipment and software used for browsing on the Site,
  • Memorizing information related, for example, to a form that the Client has filled out or to a service (registration, account access) or information that the Client has chosen (subscribed services, content of their cart),
  • Allowing the Client to access reserved and personal areas of the Site or its services, such as their personal account, thanks to identifiers or personal data previously communicated, allowing access to personalized content if applicable,
  • Implementing security measures,
  • Limiting the number of advertisements displayed,
  • Adapting the advertising content inserted on the Site to the Client’s interests and, if applicable, linking it to a locality (e.g., list of the nearest stores),
  • Adapting and addressing personalized advertisements to the Client specifically intended for them through electronic prospecting or by displaying them on their terminal within advertising spaces containing Cookies issued by the Site. This is thanks to personal data that the Client communicates, notably during registration or access to one of the services, which the Site associates with the Cookies it issues.

When the Client accesses a third-party site containing advertising spaces broadcasting one of the Site’s advertisements, this advertisement may be addressed to the Client through the recognition of one of the Cookies previously deposited by the Site on the Client’s browser. These cookies can be placed by the Site’s technical providers and used.

Third-party Cookies Deposited on the Site’s Spaces

The Site may contain Cookies issued by third parties (communication agencies, audience measurement companies, targeted advertising providers, etc.), allowing them, during the validity period of their Cookies:

  • Collecting browsing information related to browsers visiting the Site,
  • Determining the advertising content likely to correspond to the Client’s interests to send targeted advertisements, considering their browsing history collected by the third party.

At any time, the Client can prevent the collection of information concerning them via these third-party Cookies by clicking on the corresponding links (see the chapter on managing and using cookies by the Client).

The issuance and use of Cookies by these companies are subject to their own terms of use.

Third-party Cookies Integrated into Applications on the Site

The Site may include applications from third parties on the Site, allowing the Client to share Site content with others or let others know about the Client’s consultations or opinions regarding Site content. This is particularly the case with “Share,” “Like” buttons from social networks such as Facebook, “Twitter,” “Viadeo,” etc.

The social network may identify the Client through this button, even if they did not use it during their Site consultation. This type of button application may allow the concerned social network to follow the Client’s browsing on the Site, solely because their social network account was activated on their browser (session open) during the consultation.

The Site has no control over the process used by social networks to collect information related to the Client’s browsing on the Site and associated with the personal data they possess.

The Site recommends consulting the social networks’ data use policies to understand the purposes of use, particularly advertising, of the navigation information they may collect through these buttons. The Client should ensure that the social networks’ terms of use allow them to manage and restrict the use of their data by these social networks, particularly by setting their use accounts with these networks.

Sharing the Client’s Terminal Use with Others

If the Client’s terminal is used by multiple people and when the same terminal has multiple browsing software, the Site cannot ensure that the services and advertisements intended for the terminal correspond to the Client’s own use of this terminal and not to another user’s use of this terminal. Sharing the use of the Client’s terminal with others and configuring the browser settings regarding Cookies is their free choice and responsibility.

Managing and Using Cookies by the Client

The Client can manage and modify the use of Cookies at any time according to the options reminded below. The settings made by the Client are likely to modify their internet browsing and conditions of access and use of certain Site services that require the use of cookies. Thus, the Client can manage their Cookies:

  • From their browsing software, or
  • From interprofessional platforms, or
  • When offered from a link present in the list below.

Note: the Client’s unsubscription is based on a cookie. Therefore, if they deactivate all the cookies on their terminal or change terminals, the Site will no longer know that the Client has chosen this option.

Managing Cookies from the Client’s Browsing Software

The Client can configure their browsing software so that Cookies are recorded in their terminal or rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer.

To know the modalities applicable to managing cookies stored in their browser, the Seller invites the Client to consult the help menu of their browser and the “Your traces” section of the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique & des Libertés) website (

Managing Cookies Online from Interprofessional Platforms

The Client can also connect to platforms grouping digital advertising professionals that allow knowing the companies registered on these platforms and offering the possibility of refusing or accepting the Cookies they use to adapt the advertisements that may be displayed on their browser.

This European platform is a centralized interface allowing the Client to express their refusal or acceptance of Cookies from any professional.

This procedure will not prevent advertisements from being displayed on the websites the Client visits. It will only block the technologies that allow adapting advertisements to their interests.